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We are here to do everything we can to enable you to experience the best possible outcome for you. We give you the knowledge and the control to take care of your own oral health.

Malpositioned teeth

Malpositioned teeth

Malpositioned teeth: Treatments such as fixed braces – with metal or ceramic brackets – and Invisalign clear plastic ali...

Best Invisalign In London

Best Invisalign In London

Best Invisalign in London: Patients of the White & Co. dental practices in London give their honest reviews of Invisalig...

What is a surgical tooth extraction?

What is a surgical tooth extraction?

surgical extractions. In such cases, dentists refer patients to an oral surgeon. Read more now…

How to choose an implant dentist

How to choose an implant dentist

How to choose an implant dentist: The ultimate guide. Listen to recommendations and choose very careful doctors with hig...

Smoking & vaping – the effects on oral health

Smoking & vaping – the effects on oral health

Smoking & vaping – the effects on oral health: The association between smoking and a number of health issues is well kno...

Can I have other treatments at the same time as dental implants?

Can I have other treatments at the same time as dental implants?

Can I have other treatments at the same time as dental implants? The ultimate guide. Implant treatment will come at the ...

Restorative Dentistry: An Introduction

Restorative Dentistry: An Introduction

Restorative dentistry: An introduction. The ultimate guide. Restorative dentistry means rebuilding teeth when they break...

Is Invisalign® Right For Me?

Is Invisalign® Right For Me?

Is Invisalign® right for me? The ultimate guide. Many people who once felt embarrassed or self-conscious about their smi...

Receding gums FAQs

Receding gums FAQs

Receding gums FAQs: Are you worried about receding gums? Here are the answers to some questions often asked by patients....

How do I take care of my braces?

How do I take care of my braces?

How do I take care of my braces? The ultimate guide. Dental appliances can cause more plaque to build up and can also tr...

Braces & Invisalign FAQs

Braces & Invisalign FAQs

Braces & Invisalign FAQs: Are braces safe? Do they hurt? How long will you have to wear them? How do you clean your teet...

NHS dentistry - A patients' guide (Pt.1)

NHS dentistry - A patients' guide (Pt.1)

NHS dentistry - A patients' guide (Part 1): At the time of writing in November 2023, there’s a huge issue with people no...

Teeth grinding - an introduction

Teeth grinding - an introduction

Teeth grinding - an introduction: While there is no cure for bruxism – or teeth grinding – it can be effectively managed...

When Should Children Have Orthodontic Treatment?

When Should Children Have Orthodontic Treatment?

When should children have orthodontic treatment? The ultimate guide. The ideal age varies from child to child but, for s...